People can take new approaches to their home decor by using images from their favourite social media sites such as Facebook to print designs that reflect an individual's own style.

HomeDecorByMe notes that there is a growing trend for personalised decorations, particularly with printed photos.

One home design expert, Emily Clark, said: "I think more and more people are looking to make their home a haven that truly reflects their family's personality and style."

Social media can be used so that favourite photos can be collected before being printed to create new pieces for the home.

While some services offer the option to put photos or designs on to larger items, individuals could also use their own ink cartridges to print high-quality photos of their own for use around the home.

However, photos that are exposed to strong direct sunlight may begin to fade over time, so it is important to remember to keep a backup in a digital format so that the image can be reproduced later on if necessary.