monkey01Our dear CartridgeMonkey loves to stay in shape. He keeps fit by trimming pounds off his competitor’s prices for printers, ink cartridges and paper. He’s a lean, mean, ink cartridge price lowering machine.

One artist though prefers fat monkeys to lean ones. has reported that the Dutch installation artist, Florentijn Hofman, has created a giant sculpture of a monkey in Sao Paolo, Brazil.

Flip Flops

The giant installation is called Macaco Gordo in Portuguese, which translates as The Fat Monkey. But the Fat Monkey is not just like CartridgeMonkey after too many bananas. He is 45 feet long and is constructed entirely out of 10,000 pairs of brightly coloured flip flops.

Fat Monkey was designed and created as an advertisement for the Pixel Show in Brazil. Although designed by Hofman, he was constructed with the aid of an army of local Brazilian art students. Thankfully for the construction team, none of the flip flops had been worn so they smelt fresh as a daisy rather than smelling like the Chimp House in Chester Zoo.

monkey02Far from keeping active and trimming pounds off over priced ink cartridges though, Fat Monkey hasn’t done anything but lay still in it’s current home, a park in Sao Paolo.

Close up, Fat Monkey becomes fuzzy and difficult to see. From far away though, it is clear and looks beautiful. And that’s something we’ve all probably experienced on a night out.

When it comes to reducing prices on printers and ink cartridges Our Cartridge Monkey doesn’t flip flop around. Visit him today and see how he socks it to the competition with the lowest ink cartridge prices on the web.

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