Consumers buying printers and ink cartridges for their home may like to think about the effect such gadgets will have on their carbon footprint.

Paula Owen, director of Paula Owen Consulting, noted the increasing number of electronics being using around the house could be contribute to an increasing level of emissions, which is something the industry needs to address.

"Consumers need to be more savvy when buying new gadgets and gizmos – asking probing questions about energy consumption and stand-by and idle power," she said.

It is also important they play their part by turning items off when not in use instead of leaving them on standby.

Ms Owen added it is still unknown whether a growing trend towards interconnected devices such as smartphones and tablets will improve the situation or make it worse, but this will become clearer over the net few years.

People looking to improve their green credentials when buying a printer may want to look out for devices that as Energy Star certified, while some models have eco modes that reduce power usage at the touch of a button.